Dating Advice For A Man Over 50 Dating Coach For Men

At least there are women over 50 who are honest in the descriptions and make it very clear that they are no longer interested in sex. Im 54 and I am on a couple of dating sites. I post just my profile picture, username, age and city and that is it! I get 25 to 30 messages a day from different woman and an average of 45 – 50 that have viewed my profile. You are completely wrong and have no idea what you’re talking about. I am a 50 year old woman and want sex more now than I ever did in my 20’s, and every woman I know my age feels the same.

We all change as we age as do our interests. I have a few male friends who are dating and/ or are married to much younger women. They are all happy but All have made mention of the generation gap being an issue at times.

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I was never that type of woman, and I value hard work and appreciating what I do have. I truly want someone I can bond with, someone I am attracted to body, mind, and soul, someone I can have fun with and share my life with. I want a guy who actually wants to be loved, because I have so much to give.

I just can’t seem to find a decent guy who wants a kind, attractive, average weight woman who only wants to love him. I have had a few long term relationships in my day, and I can honestly say I didn’t have an instant spark with any of the men I have come to know. I spent the quality time necessary to get to know who they were as men, and the attraction for me grew both emotionally and physically. Believe it or not, there are still some decent women out there not putting looks above everything else.

And by “me” , yes, I mean “us men.” You see, for me I’d much rather be wanted than needed! And I suspect that women feel the same way but am not sure so I am asking here. Sounds like there is not enough love in the world. I like spreading some around in the hopes that one day I will find a nice man to spend my life with who will love me back. It is said that what you put out into the world will come back to you.

My problem is that I can’t find a nice man like you. All I want is a life partner, lover, and companion. I don’t care what a man does for a living or what type of car he drives. I want to be with someone who has a kind heart. Everything else means little to me.


Mr. Pearce assisted in fostering a Cordell Planning Partners practice area specific for Veterans, as they deal with the intricacies of their benefits while planning for the future. With the prevalence of gray divorce, many face uncertainty, regarding what the next step is at their age after their marriage ends. Women in their 50’s are more picky then ever. This is just slamming a dick when you have the chance. However, women tell me I am too short. But women in their 50’s are selfish brats.

Early 40’s with small children – although these women are closer to your age they are at a completely different stage. They are raising small kids and are looking for someone to be a partner. Yes they do want you to help raise their kids and do it all over again. They may say they don’t but they too are lying.

Make sure you’re ready.

Since women aren’t interested, I have never asked any woman out. Friends tell me that all I have to do is flirt a bit and ask women out and I’ll have lots of dates. No – all I would get would be an unbroken string of rejections. I cannot flirt because I am not sexually attractive to any woman, so there is no point in trying. Either a guy has what it takes to turn a woman on or her doesn’t. This is why a man desiring and dating a woman yrs his junior views it as no big deal.

Dating After 50: Rules, Advice & Tips

I don’t smoke, I am not overweight, and I eat healthy. I am an attractive, intelligent, and kind woman. A lot of men of all ages where I live are one or more….overweight, smokers, drug addicts, don’t groom their facial hair….just plain lazy and couldn’t care less. I have met a few intelligent and seemingly nice guys online, but they live far away, even in other countries. Finding a good local man is a lost cause, at least around here, and even when I do find one he has a ton of baggage or he just doesn’t trust enough to try a relationship again. Nobody’s perfect, I get that….but perfection is far from what I am looking for.

Three years single and zero traction in that department. I would recommend socializing in general. Reconnect with friends, make new friends. Go out in the world and do some new things. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. I thought my life was over when I divorced at 52 but it turned out to be one of the best things to happen to me.

I meet my New Guy two months after my divorce was finalized. The ability to sit by ourselves, go places and explore the things that we wanted to do was wonderful. The feeling of freedom started to replace that fear of being alone. The panic of having nobody there faded.