Document Storage and Distribution Software

Document storage and distribution software allows businesses to manage the lifecycle of digital documents and files storage, which includes storing, searching for, and then distributing these documents to users who are authorized. Centralizing and the storage of documents in a secure repository increases efficiency and productivity, and reduces costs by eliminating the requirement to purchase and store physical filing cabinet and storage areas.

Businesses should also have a file management system that enables them to retrieve important documents quickly and efficiently. This is achieved through the availability of multiple options for searching, including full text search, and the capability to filter results based upon attributes of documents or metadata.

The ability to quickly locate and retrieve documents saves workers valuable time and lowers overall cost of labor. This is especially crucial for businesses that depend on documents in order to comply with the regulations and internal protocols, such as manufacturing or healthcare.

The security features of a file management system are important to be considered. Auditing capabilities are crucial as they allow companies to monitor who has access to files, when and how they were modified, and the person responsible for those modifications. This helps companies ensure the security of files and prevents the theft or misuse of sensitive information.

Furthermore the file management system should be capable of importing both paper and digital files in various formats and provide the ability to convert these into more standard documents, such as PDFs. Lastly, it is important that the system used to manage files be compatible with the standard formats used in the business’s workflows.