How to Conduct a Board Self-Assessment

Board Self-Assessment

No one oversees a board individually, so it’s important that it take an objective look at itself as a collective. Self-assessments of board members play an essential role in board governance and help ensure that boards are able to perform their leadership roles in turbulent times.

Effective assessments pinpoint strengths in governance, as well as areas where the board could enhance its performance to better fulfill its governance obligations. They can provide valuable information that will help guide the board’s attention and actions in the coming year. Boards can utilize a commercially-available tool or enlist the help of an expert to conduct its own assessment. The Board Self-Assessment Questionnaire is a suitable choice for a variety of non-profits. It was created by the Center in 2009 and has been utilized by hundreds of board members across the US and overseas since the time it was released.

We suggest that you first determine the scope of your assessment in the event that you decide to conduct it yourself. Many boards decide to Best Data Room Platforms evaluate the entire board, the board’s leadership, or even individual committees. A clear understanding of the purpose and process of the assessment is essential to ensure getting a positive result.

After you have established the scope of your evaluation, consider selecting a neutral third-party to facilitate the process. A knowledgeable facilitator will be able to guide the discussion and ensure that all board members feel at ease providing honest feedback.

Some boards prefer to compare their results from self-assessment against the results of other hospitals or health care systems. However, due largely to differences in structure, size, and the scope of authority, many databases do not provide apples-to-apples comparisons.