She describes the different kinds of magazines, their stories and readerships, and the new genres the emerged at the time, including confessional pieces, articles about family and popular trends, and advice columns. Japan’s post WWII occupation changed gender roles through legal and social reforms. WWII expunged the feudal system and the new Japanese Constitution prohibited discrimination based on gender. In addition, American perceptions of public displays of affection, style, and morals changed how Japanese men and women interacted with each other. Gender roles blended with Japanese tradition and modern American attitudes.

  • Despite constant discrimination, modern Japan continues to push forward with support from the EEOL (and other equality laws like the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ) toward safer and better-paying jobs for women.
  • Despite these goals, however, women were still being discriminated against in every field.
  • Some women served as samurai, a role in which they were expected to be loyal and avenge the enemies of their owners.
  • The efforts in Japan are intended to overcome decades of unkept promises from political and business leaders to increase opportunities for Japanese women, who face some of the starkest inequality in the developed world.
  • The 6 month ban on remarriage for women was previously aiming to « avoid uncertainty regarding the identity of the legally presumed father of any child born in that time period ».

Japan’s family dynamics have historically been defined by a two-person, female housewife or caregiver role and a male income-earner role, a historically common division of labor between the sexes. After Japan’s involvement in World War II ended, the resulting Japanese Constitution included Article 24, « the Gender Equality Clause, » which was introduced to steer the country towards gender equality. However, deeply-embedded family and gender norms led to resistance among citizens, and the culture remained largely the same as of 2009.

Another critique suggests the cars send the signal that men create a dangerous environment for women, who cannot protect themselves. Japanese and foreign women and girls have been victims of sex trafficking in Japan. They are raped in brothels and other locations and experience physical and psychological trauma. Japanese anti-sex trafficking legislation and laws have been criticized as being lacking. Of the 200,000 abortions performed per year, however, 10% are teenage women, a number which has risen since 1975. At 87 years, the life expectancy of Japanese women is the longest of any gender anywhere in the world. Notably, Tsuruko Haraguchi, the first woman in Japan to earn a PhD, did so in the US, as no Meiji-era institution would allow her to receive her doctorate.

Role of Women in Japan

Modern day women show the drive to continue working beyond the expected retirement age to make a difference in society. The most dramatic change in modern Japan is the role of women and how they are defining themselves both internationally and domestically. They have fought through many difficulties in order to construct their identity. However, because of Japanese pride and nationalism, women were used as advertisements for Japanese and international audiences.

The LDP also has a bottom-up nomination process, whereby the initial nominations are made by local party offices. As these local offices are dominated by men, or the old boys’ network, it is difficult for Japanese women to be nominated by the LDP. A break from this bottom-up process took place in 2005, when Prime Minister and President of the LDP Junichiro Koizumi himself placed women at the top of the PR lists. As a result, all of the 26 LDP’s women candidates won either by plurality in their SMD or from the PR list. However, Koizumi’s top-down nomination was not a reflection of the LDP’s prioritization of gender equality, but rather a political strategy to draw in votes by signaling change. After this election, the LDP has returned to its bottom-up nomination process. Gender inequality, however, continues in family life, the workplace, and popular values.

Activist Tamaka Ogawa says she joined the women’s movement after receiving insults—such as “filthy feminist” —over a 2013 article defending working mothers. Mori, who was head of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics organizing committee, provoked worldwide outrage in February 2021 with remarks about “talkative women” prolonging meetings. A petition launched the following day calling for “appropriate sanctions” against him collected 110,000 signatures in two days. A Kyodo poll found that 60 percent of Japanese believed he should step down as committee head. A number of Olympic sponsors and celebrities distanced themselves from his remarks, and more than a thousand volunteers refused to help out during the Olympics. Despite Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s support, Mori was forced to step down, the first time an LDP heavyweight had resigned over sexist behavior.

Expectations for men and women have traditionally aligned with societal obligations in the private and public sector. Women dominated the household but outside of the home, their families dictated their behavior. Although ancient philosophies like Confucianism and feudalism laid the foundations for the status of women, turning points like WWII allowed them to break through the glass ceiling and defy gender expectations. A similar distinction—that of regular and non-regular employees (part-time, temporary, and other indirect workers)—is especially salient in Japan. Using this categorization, it is apparent that a substantially larger portion of prime-age women are engaged in non-traditional (and often lower-quality) jobs, with the share increasing from 44.2 percent in 2000 to 51.0 percent in 2016. Non-regular workers aremore likely to engage in routine tasks,less likely to qualify for public pension insurance, andless likely to see wage increases throughout their careers.

Because women’s abuse would be detrimental to the family of the abused, legal, medical and social intervention in domestic disputes was rare. Families, prior to and during the Meiji restoration, relied on a patriarchal lineage of succession, with disobedience to the male head of the household punishable by expulsion from the family unit.

The use of women-only cars in Japan has been critiqued from various perspectives. Some suggest that the presence of the cars makes women who choose not to use them more vulnerable. Public comment sometimes include the argument that women-only cars are a step too far in protecting women. Some academics have argued that the cars impose the burden of social segregation to women, rather than seeking the punishment of criminals.

Working women in Japan

But company bosses circumvented the legislation by inventing a two-track system with “career employees” , who could qualify for promotion, and “non-career employees” , who could not. Women had to choose their track when they were hired, but opting to be a “career employee” meant accepting long work hours and frequent relocation to provincial offices, like their male colleagues, making it hard to balance work and family life. For this calculation, we assumed that the additional labor force participants would have annual earnings equal to the mean annual earnings of prime-age female labor force participants in 2016. We further assumed that GDP increases proportionally with workers’ annual earnings, i.e., a doubling of aggregate earnings would induce a doubling of GDP. Even if the additional workers were lower on the earning spectrum, i.e. if doubling earnings did not fully double GDP, the increase in GDP would be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

The evolution of Japanese society has caused women to acclimatize to new customs and responsibilities. Various waves of change introduced new philosophies that guided Japanese lifestyles. Women were instilled with values of restraint, respect, organization, decorum, chastity, and modesty. Samurai feudalism gave little independence to women, and many were forced into prostitution. Some women served as samurai, a role in which they were expected to be loyal and avenge the enemies of their owners. Others, such as aristocratic women, were used for political alliances and reserved as pawns for family investment.

Similar to that in national politics, women’s representation in Japan’s local politics has seen a general upward trend since the 20th century, but still lags behind other developed countries. Of the 1,051 candidates, just 186 – or less than 18% – are women, despite the introduction in 2018 of a gender equality law encouraging parties to select similar numbers of male and female candidates. Only around 9 percent of middle managers in companies are women, and at senior management level the figure is much lower. Government figures show the pay gap between men and women has fallen from 40 percent in the 1990s to 24.5 percent in 2020 (compared to 16.5 percent in France). But this is due more to a drop in men’s pay over the last 20 years than a rise in women’s pay. And women often have precarious jobs (part-time, short-term, temporary, etc.) paying less than 55 percent of men’s average salary, a trend that is growing. In 1985 the Diet ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination and adopted an equal employment opportunity law.