Online Data Room Review

Online Data Room Review

When you share sensitive financial documents including intellectual property, case documents for litigation and more, the last thing you want is for it to be lost or stolen. This is why online data rooms have become popular for storing, managing and sharing confidential documents.

However, not all VDRs are created equal, and each one has its own set of features. When looking at vendors, it’s important to take into account the various feature sets offered including security options including user interface, cost.

Many VDRs also come with document permissions that allow you to set when users can print, download, or even view documents. Some even allow dynamic watermarks on viewed and printed document pages for improved security measures. Some permit tracking of file and user activity which is helpful when conducting a safety inspection or observing interest in the capital raising round.

Another important feature to have is extensive logging and reporting capabilities. Certain VDRs allow you to keep track of every document and user activity in a simple to understand report that gives valuable insights for business. This allows you to keep track of who accessed the files, when they were accessed and whether confidential information was altered.

In the end, the top online data rooms provide a seamless user experience with an intuitive and clean interface that is compatible across devices. They also provide robust deployment options, and a single login for all projects. Additionally, they offer multi-project management which lets you easily create and manage different projects with different levels of access and specific documentation uploaded for each project. They also provide 24/7 support through multiple channels and offer dedicated experts to help you with any issues.