Ukrainian women in Poland an insecure sanctuary

Local women working nearby exchanged wary looks when asked about the hotel. “There are always ‘those’ kinds of girls going inside,” one says, while the others nodded when asked if the place still rented rooms by the hour. “Of course, no one knew what kind of hotel this was,” says Gil Horev, a Welfare Ministry spokesman, referring to the fact that several Ukrainian refugees in wheelchairs were housed in the hotel, which had no provisions for people with disabilities.

  • In 2008 there was introduced winter break competition which became regular later since 2013.
  • The speaker, trapped in the shelter, is decreasing in size and strength.
  • Established in 1925, the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America is the longest-running and largest Ukrainian women’s organization in the US.
  • The surge of female soldiers is so new that Ukraine’s military still doesn’t have standard uniforms for women — meaning they’re often handed ill-fitting men’s clothes.
  • In Ukraine, where the cycles of life and death run faster, the women are to be deployed in a matter of weeks.

The cover image, by artist Olga Morozova of Kyiv, depicts a city park dug up by trenches close to the artist’s home. ‘Employers often expect domestic workers to be available 24 hours, seven days a week. The money we get cash in hand is little more than a minimum wage, but the majority are hired without any contracts at all,’ she said. Poberezhnyk, who originally comes from Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine, has been working as a nanny for two decades. Although she has had good experiences with Polish families, she has also spent many years assisting Ukrainian migrants who have been exploited.

Statement by the Secretary-General – on Ukraine

Political leaders are calling for international support to finance the reconstruction of the country – a cost estimated at between $350 billion and $750 billion and rising. Oleksandra Matviichuk, a human rights lawyer, is the director of Kyiv’s Centre for Civil Liberties, which shared the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

While registering for military service is compulsory for men, women can choose to volunteer. After the invasion, many did so, and almost 60,000 women are now in the Ukrainian armed forces, sometimes filling combat roles. The war has severely impacted social cohesion, community security and the resilience of local communities, especially women and girls. Lack of access to social services including schools and strained community resources have increased the care burden of local women who responsible for the care for children, disabled and elderly family members. The headlines about the prominence of women in the Ukraine conflict are misleading. Yes, many Ukrainian women are participating in the conflict — between 20,000 and 50,000, according to available estimates. But when compared to the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian women — an estimated 3.3 million refugees are women and children — who have left the country, it’s pretty easy to say that the vast majority of Ukrainian women are not fighting.

Russia-Ukraine recap

To earn more, I must work more,’ said Natalia Matsiuk, who has been employed for four and a half years by an agency to work in one of Poland’s largest discount chain stores. Her story illustrates some of the difficulties facing Ukrainian women and how the war has changed their lives. In one case, a Ukrainian refugee had been hired to work in hospitality via a temporary agency and forced to work from 5am until 11pm, while her three children stayed in a hostel without adult supervision. ‘Even before the outbreak of the war we had issues with illegal employment and even cases of forced labour. Now given the scale of the crisis, we have a lot of concerns,’ Koćwin said.

Her jobs are temporary, all undocumented, and last only a couple of weeks at a time. “One time, a passerby saw me and my daughter on the street with a suitcase and offered us a job cleaning a house for a few weeks. “The authorities in Israel show no understanding toward Ukrainian women’s plight and treat their claims with great suspicion. Even when there is clear evidence for their claims, reality shows that there is no desire to move the wheels of justice and ‘waste’ public resources for the benefit of a foreign woman,” she says. Some details of the alleged crimes have been reported in the local media. In May, an Ashdod resident in his fifties was arrested and indicted for the alleged rape of a 19-year-old Ukrainian woman who had fled the war. The man was reported to have offered to help the woman find a cleaning job , and under the pretext of offering her a ride to work, took her instead to a hotel where he is accused of raping her.

These farmers are now fighting to ensure their communities are fed and get their crops out to the world. Together, Russia and Ukraine typically export almost a third of the world’s cereal grain, and Ukraine provides half of the world’s sunflower oil supply. Russia has shelled grain depositories and sunflower oil storage tanks in the Mykolaiv port, covering nearby homes and rose bushes in flaming pools of oil and leaving an enduring scent of fried food, even weeks later. The oil’s absence on the global market is already being sorely felt, from the European supermarkets rationing sales to the Indian laborers paying extra for their lunches. Women and children constitute the majority of refugees in this war because, under conditions of martial law, women have greater ability to flee. This affects the number of women who are then able to voluntarily serve. We haven’t yet developed systems of care that would enable women the same opportunities to serve as men.

There, she lived in “inhuman” conditions with 28 other women in a cell designed for four. But the hardest part was “being cut off from the outside world,” she said. In mid-May, Panina was among hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered to an uncertain fate after weeks of hiding in bunkers and tunnels at Azovstal. She was then held captive for four and a half months in the notorious Russian-controlled Olenivka prison in Donetsk, where dozens of captives were killed in a deadly strike in July.